Prue Hutton - Mountain Story

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Mountain Story

Prue Hutton

Original Artwork
Collage: lino print on paper with georgette fabric, text and drawing
63 cm x 71 cm

Mountain - Traces of Memory

I am fascinated with patterns such as those in Fibonacci’s nature sequences, the selection of objects in Wunderkammers or Cabinets of Curiosities, early explorers’ maps and illuminated manuscripts where drawing lines, lettering and embellishments are of the essence. Werner’s book Nomenclature of Colours shows not only colour samples in ‘suites’ but words describing them for artists and scientists to link the known to the unfamiliar. The seemingly abstract bundles of lines and dots which transpose sound into repeatable music. Orderly arrangements of board games and museum displays, black and white diagrams of bones revealed in X Rays, maps of mountain contours, dressmakers’ paper patterns showing layers of lines for different sizes and patchwork quilt designs dovetailing geometric shapes. Star studded night skies. They are all patterns providing keys or codes to interpret and map what the eye sees so that we can organise information in our minds. Woven through these are design elements such as the deliberate placement of positive and negative shapes, selection of line quality, surface texture and colour. When these elements coalesce there is a unique aesthetic appeal like a language communicating and compelling a response. 
Living in Tasmania surrounded by mountains, wilderness and rugged coastlines, I am immersed in the irresistible colours, textures and patterns of the natural environment.To convey a sense of belonging, I seek to mirror and interpret the complex interaction between surroundings and lived experience. Through a variety of drawing and printmaking processes on collected papers and fabric, I layer and juxtapose in collage enjoying the freedom of considered choice and the pleasure of endless rearranging; sometimes relishing in a plethora of intricacy at other times paring to serene simplicity. 
Most of the artworks in this exhibition are used to illustrate our book “Mountain, inspirations from the wild - art to knits”. They form a component in the collaboration with Sally Ord. As makers, we have explored kunanyi/Mount Wellington, writing about and illustrating our experiences, then interpreting them in original knitting designs to wear and remember - Prue Hutton

Prue Hutton

Prue has had a long career in Hobart teaching art to children and adults and for as long as she can remember art has been an essential part of her life. After retiring from teaching, Prue teamed up with a friend, Sally Ord, and together they have published two books inspired by the remoteness, colours, patterns and textures of the Tasmanian landscape. Prue has written and illustrated, while Sally has designed unique knitting patterns interpreted directly from their wilderness expeditions.  Prue's particular areas of interest are drawing, printmaking, collage and artist's books.  Her delightful, illustrative style makes these works of art a joyful addition to your home.  One that will briing pleasure for years to come.

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This item would need to be collected or can be delivered within Australia for an additional freightage cost. Please contact the gallery directly for a shipping estimate.


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